
Termin Informationen:

  • Sa.

    Andre Bertel in Krefeld

    Buscher Holzweg 50 47802 Krefeld - Germany

    Sold out / ausverkauft - es ind keine Plätze mehr frei!

    bertel-webSaturday July 25th 
    from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm and from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm

    Sunday July 26th 
    from 9.00 am to11.00 am and from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm

    limited number of participants - open to all traditional shotokan karatekas - recommended from 5th kyu up

    Gym Buscher Holzweg 50
    47802 Krefeld - Germany

    One day 30,-€ with pre-registration (35,-€ on the day)
    Both Days 55,-€ with pre-registration (60,-€ on the day)

    Please make payment to:
    Nakayama Krefeld e.V. - BLZ 32050000 (Sparkasse Krefeld)
    BIC: SPKRDE33XXX  IBAN DE 75 3205 0000 0065 0248 79
    with your name and confirm by email (kontakt@karate-krefeld.de)

    On saturday evening we will have dinner in the Stadtwaldhaus - special offer for karatekas.

    Garden Hotel Garni Krefeld - please mention the keyword »Karate« during your booking for discount
    Schönwasserstraße 12A, 47800 Krefeld
    Telefon: 02151 535230

    Here you can download a list of all hotels in Krefeld.